AB 2799: Cal-OSHA Cannabis Business Requirements
Updated: Dec 20, 2019
Like many industries there is an inherent risk when working in the cannabis industry. When not properly set-up and operated, a cannabis business can pose many threats to owners and their employees. Some cannabis businesses’ employees are regularly exposed to machinery, chemicals, as well as other potentially hazardous working conditions, which must be kept in check to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. This may be especially applicable to cannabis businesses such as volatile cannabis manufacturing facilities who regularly utilize volatile solvents and heavy machinery in the extraction of cannabinoids from the cannabis flower or left-over cannabis materials (trim).
In an effort to provide necessary safeguards for cannabis employees subject to hazardous working conditions, California passed Assembly Bill 2799 (AB 2799) in late September of 2018. AB 2799 requires cannabis businesses to retain an employee and supervisor that has completed a Cal-OSHA 30-hour general industry outreach course offered by an authorized OSHA Training Institute Education Center, among other requirements.
While manufacturers and other cannabis businesses are already required to implement safety plans, this Bill imposes further compliance requirements to ensure the safety of individuals working in the cannabis industry. Employees and Employers will be trained to better recognize and fix occupational safety hazards to prevent any unforeseen health and safety risks the work environment may pose. Unlike safety plans, AB 2799 requires continued monitoring of the workplace and subsequent changes to the business operations and environments to not only ensure the prolonged safety of cannabis employees and employers, but to also ensure continued compliance with the Bill’s directives.
With the end of the first year of legalized recreational cannabis in California, cannabis owners and operators are constantly hit with new compliance regulations that have a large impact on their operations.
Since September we have written several articles exhibiting new or refined regulations governing the cannabis industry. As the cannabis industry evolves, we are sure to see more regulations that need to be addressed for cannabis businesses to continue to be compliant in this ever-changing industry.
GreenCP California Cannabis Legislation Article Links:
AB 873: CDFA Agents Power of Peace Officer
AB 1793: Overturning Prior Cannabis Convictions
AB 2020: Cannabis Event Licensing
AB 2215: Cannabis for Pets
AB 2402: MJ Consumer Information
AB 2721: Cannabis Testing Laboratories
AB 2899: Cannabis Marketing & Advertisement
AB 2914: CBD & THC Infused Beverages
SB 1294: California’s Cannabis Equity Act
SB 1409: Commercial Hemp Cultivators
SB 1459: California Provisional Cannabis License